The ROI of Coaching

The Manchester survey of 140 companies shows nine in 10 executives believe coaching to be worth their time and dollars. The average ROI was more than $5 for each $1 spent. The Denver Post Corporations state that coaching helps keep employees and that the dollar investment in it is far less than the cost of […]
Why Executive Coaching?

Wondering why executive coaching? Here are a few statistics: Many large companies have relied on executive coaches. Henry McKinnell, CEO of Pfizer, Meg Whitman, CEO of eBay, and David Pottruck, CEO of Charles Schwab & Co., are just a few who rely on a “trusted adviser.” The Business Journal The Business demand for coaching is nearly […]
The Benefits of Corporate Coaching

Across corporate America, coaching sessions at many companies have become as routine for executives as budget forecasts and quota meetings. Investors Business Daily Between 25 and 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies hire coaches, according to LinkedIn. These companies described an average return of more than $100,000, about six times what coaching costs them. That’s […]